#Swinsian sorting software
Software was a bit more problematic, because as most of you probably know, there’s not a whole lot of decent iTunes alternatives out there, especially for Macs. So many people had recommended getting a NAS (network attached storage) setup, so that seemed like the next obvious move for storage. Eventually I got fed up and started looking for other software & storage solutions. The hard drive had both my digital music as well as the iTunes library and database files. My (2011?) Macbook spent most of its time sitting plugged in at my desk where it could be connected via FireWire to my Western Digital MyBook Studio 3 TB external hard drive. My previous setup was pretty straightforward. So that’s what I hope to do with this post, let you know where I was, where I’m at now, and why I’m much happier. I know others have jumped ship well before me and there are tons of other articles about the why and how, but I haven’t seen too many address the biggest issue I’ve had: a huge, cumbersome music library. But decent software should be able to handle this iTunes can’t because it’s bloated, trying to be a comprehensive media manager & store. My music library lives on an external FireWire hard drive and is roughly 1.5 TB, which is admittedly pretty fuckin big. It won’t let me do anything quickly, which is both iTunes’ and my fault, though.

What used to be the most intuitive and seamless experience has turned into a glitchy piece of shit that freezes whenever I try to do something as simple as search for a record or play a song.