User controls include front panel, rear panel, and on-screen display. Mounting options for CRT monitors include panel mount, chassis mount, rack mount, and desktop. Important physical specifications to consider when searching for CRT monitors include: A monochrome monitor has an image that is presented in black, white, and grayscale. One common technique is sensing the red, green, and blue components (RGB) and combining them to create a wide spectrum of colors. The range of colors is generated with varying combinations of different discrete colors. CRT monitors can be supplied in color or monochrome. The standard for flicker-free images is 85Hz. A low refresh rate results in an image that flickers, resulting in eyestrain.

The vertical scanning frequency, or refresh rate, is the rate at which each pixel on a screen is re-drawn. Image resolution is a measure of how sharp the image will appear on the screen the higher the resolution, the sharper the image. The diagonal is the measurement from one corner to the corner diagonally across from it. Important display specifications to consider when searching for CRT monitors include: The base is the monitor's "screen" and is coated on the inside with a matrix of thousands of tiny phosphor dots. It begins with a slim neck and tapers outward until it forms a large base. A CRT is essentially a sealed glass bottle with no air inside. CRT monitors are ruggedized for use in control room, factory floor, or process applications.